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No Teaser Type Selected sadf asdf asd fas fsad fasd

Desktop (Monitor) - image and background color align correctly; without a background color, there is a shadow border that aligns correctly. the text looks good within the borders of the Teaser

Mobile (iPhone 5) - image and background color align correctly; without a background color, there is a shadow border that aligns correctly. the text looks good within the borders of the Teaser

Teaser Type = Tile - Image Left sadf asdf asd fas fsad fasd

Desktop (Monitor) - borders align correctly; the text appears to go all the way to the right (no padding) which doesn't look good when there is a background color

Mobile (iPhone 5) - borders align correctly, and looks good when there is NO background color; with a background color, the text goes all the way to the edge which doesn't look good

Teaser Type = Tile - Image Left sadf asdf asd fas fsad fasd

Desktop (Monitor) - borders align correctly; the text appears to go all the way to the right (no padding) which doesn't look good when there is a background color

Mobile (iPhone 5) - borders align correctly, and looks good when there is NO background color; with a background color, the text goes all the way to the edge which doesn't look good

Teaser Type = Tile - Image Left sadf asdf asd fas fsad fasd

Desktop (Monitor) - borders align correctly; the text appears to go all the way to the right (no padding) which doesn't look good when there is a background color

Mobile (iPhone 5) - borders align correctly, and looks good when there is NO background color; with a background color, the text goes all the way to the edge which doesn't look good

Teaser Type = Tile - Image Left sadf asdf asd fas fsad fasd

Desktop (Monitor) - borders align correctly; the text appears to go all the way to the right (no padding) which doesn't look good when there is a background color

Mobile (iPhone 5) - borders align correctly, and looks good when there is NO background color; with a background color, the text goes all the way to the edge which doesn't look good

Teaser Type = Tile - Image Left sadf asdf asd fas fsad fasd

Desktop (Monitor) - borders align correctly; the text appears to go all the way to the right (no padding) which doesn't look good when there is a background color

Mobile (iPhone 5) - borders align correctly, and looks good when there is NO background color; with a background color, the text goes all the way to the edge which doesn't look good

Teaser Type = Tile - Image Left sadf asdf asd fas fsad fasd

Desktop (Monitor) - borders align correctly; the text appears to go all the way to the right (no padding) which doesn't look good when there is a background color

Mobile (iPhone 5) - borders align correctly, and looks good when there is NO background color; with a background color, the text goes all the way to the edge which doesn't look good

Teaser Type = Tile - Image Left sadf asdf asd fas fsad fasd

Desktop (Monitor) - borders align correctly; the text appears to go all the way to the right (no padding) which doesn't look good when there is a background color

Mobile (iPhone 5) - borders align correctly, and looks good when there is NO background color; with a background color, the text goes all the way to the edge which doesn't look good

Teaser Type = Tile - Image Left sadf asdf asd fas fsad fasd

Desktop (Monitor) - borders align correctly; the text appears to go all the way to the right (no padding) which doesn't look good when there is a background color

Mobile (iPhone 5) - borders align correctly, and looks good when there is NO background color; with a background color, the text goes all the way to the edge which doesn't look good

Teaser Type = Tile - Image Left sadf asdf asd fas fsad fasd

Desktop (Monitor) - borders align correctly; the text appears to go all the way to the right (no padding) which doesn't look good when there is a background color

Mobile (iPhone 5) - borders align correctly, and looks good when there is NO background color; with a background color, the text goes all the way to the edge which doesn't look good

Teaser Type = Tile - Image Left sadf asdf asd fas fsad fasd

Desktop (Monitor) - borders align correctly; the text appears to go all the way to the right (no padding) which doesn't look good when there is a background color

Mobile (iPhone 5) - borders align correctly, and looks good when there is NO background color; with a background color, the text goes all the way to the edge which doesn't look good

Teaser Type = Tile - Image Left sadf asdf asd fas fsad fasd

Desktop (Monitor) - borders align correctly; the text appears to go all the way to the right (no padding) which doesn't look good when there is a background color

Mobile (iPhone 5) - borders align correctly, and looks good when there is NO background color; with a background color, the text goes all the way to the edge which doesn't look good

Teaser Type = Tile - Image Right asdf asd as fasd fasf asf asfasdf asdf asdsafds

Desktop (Monitor) - border and text align correctly to the left, but it does not look good with there is a background color

Mobile (iPhone 5) - borders align correctly, and looks good when there is NO background color; with a background color, the text goes all the way to the edge which doesn't look good

Teaser Type = Tile - Image Right asdf asd as fasd fasf asf asfasdf asdf asdsafds

Desktop (Monitor) - border and text align correctly to the left, but it does not look good with there is a background color

Mobile (iPhone 5) - borders align correctly, and looks good when there is NO background color; with a background color, the text goes all the way to the edge which doesn't look good

Teaser Type = No Image sadf asdf asd fas fsad fasd

Desktop (Monitor) - text DOES NOT align correctly to the left (not sure about right); it looks good when there is a color background but not when there is a white/transparent background

Mobile (iPhone 5) - borders align correctly, and looks good when there is a background color; without a background color, the text does not go all the  way to the edge which doesn't look good

Teaser Type = No Image sadf asdf asd fas fsad fasd

Desktop (Monitor) - text DOES NOT align correctly to the left (not sure about right); it looks good when there is a color background but not when there is a white/transparent background

Mobile (iPhone 5) - borders align correctly, and looks good when there is a background color; without a background color, the text does not go all the  way to the edge which doesn't look good

Teaser Type = Card Overlay sadf asdf asd fas fsad fasd

Desktop (Monitor) - image aligns correctly and text within the image

Mobile (iPhone 5) - image aligns correctly and text within the image; there is no spacing between the header and the text

TEST - Text

Test Header 1 Leading
with wrapping text

Below paragraph text 

Test Header 2 Leading
with wrapping text

Below paragraph text 

Test Header 3 Leading
with wrapping text

Below paragraph text 

Test Header 4 Leading
with wrapping text

Below paragraph text 

Test Header 5 Leading
with wrapping text

Below paragraph text 

Test Header 6 Leading
with wrapping text

Below paragraph text 

TEST - Teaser (Type = No Image)

Test Header 1 Leading
with wrapping text

Below paragraph text 

Test Header 2 Leading
with wrapping text

Below paragraph text 

Test Header 3 Leading
with wrapping text

Below paragraph text 

Test Header 4 Leading
with wrapping text

Below paragraph text 

Test Header 5 Leading
with wrapping text

Below paragraph text 

Test Header 6 Leading
with wrapping text

Below paragraph text 

Display asdfsdaf asdf sadfasdfsadfasdfasdfasd fasdf sad fsadfa sdfsda asdfasdf asdf

Header 1

test paragraph  beneath asdf asdf asdf dasf asdfadsfasdfg asdfg sadfasd fsadf asdf asdf asdf asdfasd fasdf a sdf asdf asdf asf asd sadf asd f

Header 2

test paragraph  beneath asdf asdf asdf dasf asdfadsfasdfg asdfg sadfasd fsadf asdf asdf asdf asdfasd fasdf a sdf asdf asdf asf asd sadf asd f

Header 3

test paragraph  beneath asdf asdf asdf dasf asdfadsfasdfg asdfg sadfasd fsadf asdf asdf asdf asdfasd fasdf a sdf asdf asdf asf asd sadf asd f

Header 4

test paragraph  beneath asdf asdf asdf dasf asdfadsfasdfg asdfg sadfasd fsadf asdf asdf asdf asdfasd fasdf a sdf asdf asdf asf asd sadf asd f

Header 5

test paragraph  beneath asdf asdf asdf dasf asdfadsfasdfg asdfg sadfasd fsadf asdf asdf asdf asdfasd fasdf a sdf asdf asdf asf asd sadf asd f

Header 6

test paragraph  beneath asdf asdf asdf dasf asdfadsfasdfg asdfg sadfasd fsadf asdf asdf asdf asdfasd fasdf a sdf asdf asdf asf asd sadf asd f


test paragraph  beneath asdf asdf asdf dasf asdfadsfasdfg asdfg sadfasd fsadf asdf asdf asdf asdfasd fasdf a sdf asdf asdf asf asd sadf asd f

Paragraph Large

test paragraph beneath asdf asdf asdf dasf asdfadsfasdfg asdfg sadfasd fsadf asdf asdf asdf asdfasd fasdf a sdf asdf asdf asf asd sadf asd f

test quote beneath asdf asdf asdf dasf asdfadsfasdfg asdfg sadfasd fsadf asdf asdf asdf asdfasd fasdf a sdf asdf asdf asf asd sadf asd f

test paragraph  beneath asdf asdf asdf dasf asdfadsfasdfg asdfg sadfasd fsadf asdf asdf asdf asdfasd fasdf a sdf asdf asdf asf asd sadf asd f



TEST - Tabs